Is the Wine’s Taste Really Affected by the Type of Wine Glass?

Many wine tasters are sure that for a particular wine style or even type in terms of dimensions and size an optimum glass exists. That it is absolutely essential that if maximum enjoyment is to be had the correct glass is to be used.

But in fact, how much of this idea that wine glasses online in Florida affect the taste has truth and to affect a marketing point of difference on the part of some glass manufacturers how much is the result of concerted marketing efforts.

First, see what is meant by taste in a wine. Usually, the term taste includes a combined result of a number of sensory experiences including:

  • These include amongst astringency, other things, and body.
  • The combined or overall impact of these flavours and the strength of the wine’s individual flavours
  • The tactile sensations or mouth-feel imparted by the wine.
  • The effect of the three essential basic tastes in wine; bitterness, sweetness, and acidity
  • The profile and strength of the wine’s aroma

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The perception of wine is affected by two major features in this glass: the bowl shape and the opening.

Less Round Bowl: With the less-round bowl shape we suspect that, as they entered the nose the aromas in the wine were becoming less intense and dissipating. Because of this, the wine smelled less fruity and less intense. Interestingly enough, lending to more herbal aromas the floral notes were also less present in this glass.

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Larger Opening

All at once the wine can hit your palate by the larger rim opening. Making it taste more monolithic it had the effect of softening the spiciness or alkalinity of the wine. Because of this, it tasted less fruity, smoother, and chocolaty also.

Additionally, on the tongue, the tannins were overall slightly less intense and hit in several places. The flavor on the downside didn’t persist as long on the palate.


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